Damages like mold and mildew, roofing system leakages and pests are not apparent from the exterior of a home. Without immediate action, these problems could become costly and quite complicated to fix; resulting in substantial value loss. However if discovered early, the overall cost and value decrease is rather minimal.
Evaluate the condition of the property's systems, components, while searching for evidence of environmental and/or health and safety hazards.
An inspector will evaluate the home's components and condition upon arrival.
If there is a hazard or an emergency that the inspector cannot resolve at the time of visit the inspector will contact the Property Specialist via telephone and report the emergency.
Emergency work orders are completed within 24 hours of notification. Emergencies involving flooding and water infiltration are resolved the day of notification.
With the aid of a gas powered generator and compressor, an inspector will check the functionality of the home's systems to determine if they are operational.
The heating, cooling, electrical, plumbing, gas, appliances, septic and well are tested during this phase of the inspection.