Initial Services Overview

Fully licensed and insured general contracting service with the ability to build or rehabilitate your properties to standard specifications in the time frame you require. Capable of maintaining your property in a manner that will keep it in market ready condition.


Upon acquisition, we will ensure the property is adequately secured within 24 hours.


Trash Out

Double S specializes in the removal of debris, health hazards, and personal property in accordance with regional and lender requirements. All aspects of the home will be checked thoroughly to verify the property is free of all trash.


White Glove Cleaning

We realize safety is of utmost importance for anyone who may be on an real estate owned property. That's why during weather months we monitor snow accumulation and issue work orders accordingly. Snow will be removed from porches, entry ways, and driveways. In areas where there is a requirement for sidewalks to be cleared, this will be completed as well.



Protecting a home against freeze damage and weather related issues is essential. Winterizations are performed to prevent freeze damage during the winterization season between October 1st to March 31st. Winterization will consist of applying pressure to water lines using an air compressor to ensure all water is blown free from plumbing lines and to check that there are no damaged/open plumbing lines. Once all water has been blown from the plumbing lines RV anti-freeze will be poured in all traps/drains to prevent freezing.

mowing_tall_grass weed_eating_tall_grass

Landscape Maintenance

Curb appeal, what's on the outside, must be kept in shape...
  • all exterior incidental debris/garbage removed
  • all overgrown shrubs, bushes, or small ornamental trees trimmed away from walkways, sidewalks, and structures and clippings removed
  • all clippings from sidewalks, walkways, driveways, and yard removed
  • all fallen leaves and dead vegetation such as shrubs, plants, and small ornamental trees removed
  • fence lines, foundations, and trees trimmed around for a clean appearance
  • all paved areas swept clean and free from clippings
  • all weeds trimmed or removed from flower beds, fence lines, foundations, sidewalks, walkways, and driveways without damaging existing plants or flowers
  • all non-decorative vegetation attached to structures, including hanging vines removed
  • all snow and ice removed from sidewalks, driveway, and walkways according to local ordinance
  • grass cut completed up to an acre if over 3"
  • ice melt applied to all areas used to access the property such as decks, patios, driveway, steps, sidewalks, and walkways
  • dust and cobwebs removed from ceilings, walls, entryways and corners
  • pathways shoveled to all detached garages or living areas
  • sidewalks, walkways, and driveways edged
  • report any code violations posted with clear photo proof

Just because a home is foreclosed or vacant does not give reason for lawn maintenance to drop below standards. Double S wants to ensure lawns show exceptional curb appeal. Our company is well experienced and equipped to mow lawns, weedeat the yard, edge hardscapes, trim shrubbery, remove all clippings, clean gutters, lay mulch, and sweep all paved and deck areas.